Children’s Cancer Foundation

Home : Children’s Cancer Foundation



Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) is a social service agency with a mission to improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families and children impacted by cancer through enhancing their emotional, social and medical well-being.

Founded in 1992, CCF provides children with cancer and their families the much needed support in their battle against the life threatening illness. Over the years, CCF has helped more than 3,500 children and their families at different stages of the illness and recovery.

Armed with the vision of providing leading resources and psychosocial services to children and their families impacted by childhood cancer, CCF employs professional caseworkers and counsellors, and adopts an integrated hospital-community-home service model to offer a spectrum of critical services to our beneficiaries.

• In the Hospitals – CCF helps children who are newly diagnosed with cancer and undergoing active treatment with their hospital experience. We offer emotional, financial and social support, with a focus on therapeutic play and psychotherapy for the children and support activities for their caregivers. Our caseworkers and counsellors are sited in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) and the National University Hospital (NUH) to work alongside our medical partners in the paediatric oncology wards.

• In the Community – With more children surviving childhood cancer, CCF Community Social Work Team provides continual care to help enhance the quality of life for survivors. We help children return to school and support siblings of children with cancer. In collaboration with corporate partners, we offer social and recreational activities for the children and their families. We continue to monitor and support survivors who may have to cope with long term side effects due to the treatment of cancer. The support of community partners are actively sought to provide continuing care to our beneficiaries.

• In the Homes of the Children – When a child is at the end stage of his/her life, it is a tremendously challenging time for the dying child and the family members. Palliative and bereavement support are critical services provided by CCF professionals to improve the quality of life of the affected families.